Snowkiter And Plateau
1°C 5m/s


The situation around COVID19 means that during the summer season 2020 we are forced to make changes to our routines and what products we have can offer. Its difficult to predict how the infection will be this summer, so we have to adapt our product troughout the summer. This page will be updated at all times with measures and more information about COVID19 and changes to our products.

Cleaning and Hygiene

At our hotel, hygiene and cleanliness are always prioritised. We are also emphasising the importance of good hand hygiene based on recommendations from local health authorities. We have strict hand hygiene policies for our team members before eating or preparing food and after using the bathroom. We also encourage guests to frequently wash their hands with soap and warm water.

We follow NHO guidelines for hotels click here to read about it (in Norwegian), and here for our bikerental.

What we do at our hotel for securing the safety of our guests:

We follow the guidelines and recommendations of local authorities

Increased focus on hand hygiene

Increased cleaning and hygiene protocols

Regular disinfection of exposed surfaces such as door handles, card terminals with anti-bacterial liquids

Offer disinfectant dispensers in public areas to our guests

Observance of the procedures for dealing with colleagues who are ill

Security precautions that anyone can take to protect themselves and others from COVID-19

Frequent hand washing

Have hand disinfection ready

Avoid unnecessary hand contact

Avoid touching eyes, mouth and nose

Cover the mouth with the elbow when coughing and sneezing

Keep at least one meter away from coughing or sneezing persons